Fatehpur Hosts Five-Day Quran and Sunnah Class with Renowned Scholars

 From the 21st to the 25th of July 2023, Fatehpur witnessed an event , a comprehensive five-day Quran and Sunnah class. The event gathered approximately 750 enthusiastic participants, both men and women, seeking knowledge and spiritual guidance.
The main Mudarris and distinguished speaker for the occasion was the renowned Islamic scholar, Maulana Muhamad Anwar Sahib. Known for his unique and impressive style of delivering lectures, Maulana Anwar captivated the audience with his profound insights into the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.

In addition to Maulana Anwar's enlightening sessions, the class featured other esteemed scholars. Hafiz Ikram Ullah Shakir delivered impactful Hadith lectures for three days, while Maulana Shahid Ghaffar presented valuable Hadith lessons for two days. Their contributions added depth and perspective to the comprehensive program.
Throughout the five days, a range of important subjects were discussed, providing participants with guidance and understanding. Topics included the significance of establishing a strong relationship with Allah based on the Quran and Sunnah, the detrimental effects of drug addiction on society, the concept of an ideal Islamic family, the Islamic system of Chadar and Chardiwari, and the challenges of modern-day temptations.

One of the highlights of the event was the special appearance and address by Mr. Hamidul Haq, Ameer of Jamaat-e-Islami, Swat district. Mr. Haq graced the occasion on the Day of Prayer and delivered an inspiring speech on the responsibility of adhering to the teachings of the Quran.
The event's success and its impact on the participants exemplify the importance of promoting knowledge and understanding of Islamic principles. The organizers extend their gratitude to all the scholars and participants for their active involvement and commitment to fostering a deeper connection with faith.


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